Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Day 36

The state opens up this weekend but not my city.  Even though my mom technically could get out she can't because she lives in assisted living and they don't know when that will open.  It will be interesting to see how many new cases come out of this opening.  

The baby finches are up and peeking over the nest but I caught them napping.  I see 4 heads so all the eggs hatched.  Can't wait to see them older with their coloring on their feathers. These are House Finches so they are that purplish/red color. 

The irises continue to open up and yes I have a purple addiction.  The plants in front of the pot are 2 different sages that really have grown this Spring and are loaded with blooms.  Last year a zebra swallowtail butterfly loved them, so maybe I will have more of them this year.

The Hosta bed in the back also has a yellow rosebush and an orange day lily.  I see an empty spot that needs another hosta in there.  I need to finish mulching this bed as well.

The Falcon cam in the city has been turned back on.

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