Saturday, April 18, 2020

Day 26

It is one of those perfect mornings where you want to bundle up and sit on the deck with a cup of coffee and just smell the air and listen to the birds singing and the quiet in the neighborhood.  There was a light frost on the grass this morning. Now the sun is out and the frost has turned to water drops on that perfect spring green color the grass has this time of year.  The bulb flowers are blooming and the dandelions are popping up every day. 

It has been 2 years today we lost Dad Decorah.  There was a big snowstorm and he and mom stayed on the nest protecting the babies. He had brought in enough food to feed an army.  When he finally left we never imagined we would never see him again.  Many looked for him but never found him.  Did he know he was dying, he was in his 20's.  Mom cried for him for days, we all cried for him for days and still do.  It is the unknown that makes us even more sad.  He took care of mom and the babies year after year.  I know he is in heaven with Bob Anderson looking down on mom, the new babies every year and DM2 protecting them from what ever harm may be nearby.  We miss you dad and will remember you always.

Today and part of tomorrow you can go to youtube and watch the Phantom of the Opera. If you have never watched or seen this you should cut out 2.5 hours to watch it. I got to see it on Broadway with front row seats, it was the best. It is a very powerful piece so get the kleenex and start learning the words to the songs so you can sign along.  It is only available til 2pm ET on the 19th.

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