Monday, April 13, 2020

Day 20 Easter

Sunrise was beautiful this morning as the clouds parted for a bit of sun and it did not last long. I was hoping maybe for a rainbow since we had rain over night and the lightning was pretty wicked.  Everything is so green and clean this morning.

The Lord has risen and all will be ok with the world.  If just feels weird not spending the day at Sunrise service followed by breakfast at church and then the church service itself and then dinner with family.  So many are saying Easter is not Easter this year. It is still Easter, we don't need to be at church or have ham dinner with family we just need to know that Jesus rose and he saved us and that is all that matters.  The rest is just a ritual we are so used to that we can not imagine a world without it. 

And tomorrow all the Peeps and chocolate bunnies will be on sale, I may have to go to the store and stock up and put some in the freezer.

We got up to 66 today and then the rain and wind came and it is down to 39 before 4pm. I covered my plants and will for the next 3 nights as it is to be below freezing. I will also have to bring in the hummingbird feeder so it does not freeze.

Yesterday I took pics of some of the early flowers.

 These are wild violets and these are purple.
 These are the white with a  spot of purple wild violets.  they are all over the yard and provide a splash of color.
 I dont know what these are but there are a lot of them this year.
 These are my naked ladies they are thick this year, hope I get lots of blooms.
 I have a few tulips by the a/c.
The irises are getting ready to bloom.  Hope they don't freeze.

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