Friday, April 10, 2020

Day 17 Maundy Thursday

Last night I sort of participated in a Seder.  One of my friends just converted and invited me to join them on Zoom as I was missing all of my Easter celebrations.  I have to say I wish I could have understood more of it but then I don't speak the language.  I did find myself singing along to one of the songs that they sang repeatedly.  It is a very small congregation and I learned that the Rabbi also serves a church in Mexico via Facebook.  Every time I attend one of their ceremonies I learn more about her religion.  I am glad she invited me.  Made me not miss my Easter events a small bit.

Yesterday it was 88 today it is 48 and we are not going to get much warmer, expecting a freeze tonight so I will be dragging pots and covering plants.  The wind is howling today.  Watching the eagle nest will make you dizzy as those cottonwoods really sway with the wind.  Hope the wind does not scoop up the babies when one of the parents gets up.  We should not have any more Winter, someone scoop it up and take it away.

You know how it is you go to your craft room, I just needed some paper to use as a cover and back for my niece's book I wrote her.  Then an hour later you have cleaned out 3 parts containers and have a gallon bag full of little scrapbook stuff you will never use.  It is all good cos I am cleaning out the basement but it was not on my list of things to do today.    I keep hearing my friends say I have all this time to do those projects I never had time for and now I don't want to do them.  Yep when you are forced to do those things you don't want to and when you want to everything is back to normal and you don't have the time.  Get them done now we will be able to leave sometime soon I hope.

Normally my library has a reading contest Jan 15-March 15.  You read 5 books of a certain genre. This one was fantasy, not my style of writing but I managed to find 5 free books to download on my Kindle.  We get a mug when done.  A couple years ago they allowed adults into the summer program.  You have to read so many minutes, I think 1,000.  Well easy peasy for me cos I read at least half an hour daily.  You get a certificate and a tote from a local Tee shop.  This year I guess because we are quarantined they have snuck in a Spring reading from March 30-May 22, you have to read at least 6 hours, ok once again easy peasy for me. It is a way to get kids to read.  While you can't go to the library you can download books and there are a lot of free books out there on Amazon and other places you can download or pay hardly anything for.  My goal is to read 3 books per month and I almost always meet that goal and more.  When I was a kid my dad got me interested in reading.  He and I would often trade books when I became an adult.  When I was 7, I read 100 of these 1" hardbound blue books that were autobiographies.  We would go to the library monthly and I would get all my books.  My brother read Dr Suess (blech do not like those books).  I doubt I will ever get through all the books in my house but I am giving it a good try, just like using all the yarn in my house.  

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