Saturday, February 24, 2024

Starting the Garden

 One year when I was in grade school we were in Oklahoma City because my dad had a school for a new piece of equipment.  We had science on TV and yes this was in the 60's.  Our science teacher asked us to start a sweet potato and whoever got the longest vine would get a prize.  So my dad of course let me cos we would eventually plant it.  We went back home after my dad's class was over and teacher let me remain in the contest. I was to send a picture when it was over.  So I sent everything in and I won.  I do not remember what the prize was but just winning was enough.

For some reason this afternoon I was thinking about getting my seeds started because we do not plant here til after Mother's Day because we have had snow on Mother's day.  So I had a sweet potato in the fridge and now it is started.  I am going to do some bucket gardening this year.  Next week I am going to start the peppers and tomato.  And who knows what else.

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