Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Week 21 Comfort Part 2

* What do you do with all your quilts and does it bother you to see them used to the point of obvious wear and tear?
* How do you create a comfortable environment in your home?
* Share three things that add a sense of comfort to your life. (comfort being related to 'comfortable' and not the comfort offered to the sorrowful)
I have one quilt and it is wearing out but it is the only I have and will use it til it is just rags.  Someday I will have to find a new one. And no that is one hand craft I will never try, too much fuss.  My aunt tells me I wash mine too much well with 3 cats I wash it monthly during the winter when I use it, otherwise it is put up til cold enough to bring it out.
There are afghans over every chair or a lap quilt.  Pillows are there as well.  Books, yarn, and if you come over and I know you are on the way some type of buttery fat goodies will pop out of the oven soon.  There will be coffee or tea or cocoa as well.  
3 things that most give me comfort, my cats, my knitting and my books. I can pretty much escape with all 3 and drown out the world.  

Week 20 Comfort

* What brings your own gentle domestic heart comfort?
When I hear the word comfort I immediately go to food.  Baking powder biscuits, mac and cheese, brownies, mom and pop diners where you get "comfort" food.  You know the ones, every town has them and everyone knows where they are.  They are not healthy but who cares, sometimes you just need some buttery fatty goodness to make you feel good.
Afghan and sweaters are the second thing I think of.  Who does not like to snuggle under an afghan and lay on the couch when you are sick or it is cold outside.  Bundle up in a sweater, your fav and big wooly socks in the winter and stay home and drink cocoa and watch TV.
My dad has dementia and he only finds comfort in his apartment now.  Any place else and he gets out of sort.  His cat and my mom are there, his chair, his walker, his coffee pot and cup, cookies in the afternoon.  They bring him comfort in his world now.   

Getting lost in a book or a knitting project or some other handcraft project bring me comfort.  A chance to read a great book and forget about the world or to create something that will bring me even more comfort when I wear or use it.  Working in the flower bed, getting dirt all over me, and seeing the flowers bloom, the catepillars on the milk weed, the wild sunflowers that always pop up every year, they give me comfort.  Feeding the birds, they are such a joy to watch and when the babies arrive at the feeders well there is a new beginning.  

Th author talks about vintage embroidered dresser scarves.  I collect them and doilies.  They remind me of my grandmothers and the comfort a grandmother can bring.  The time and work that went into making them.  Did they give comfort to a time of escaping from the world and concentrating on hand work?  I don't think anyone make dresser scarves any more, but when isee one in a thrift store I always snatch it up and put it on some piece of furniture.  I love to make doilies, i have a ton of "doily" thread that I need to start using and place them around my house.  Someday one of those filet crochet tablecloths will be on dining room table. I have the pattern and thread, but the time always escapes me.  Someday. 

Sunday, July 07, 2019

D32 Update from SOAR

~ D32 still needs intensive care ~
D32 was also thin, dehydrated, and anemic on admit, but D32 also has the added complication of needing to mend a broken bone in the lower right leg. Photo from 26 June 2019.
The report from Kay on 1 July 2019: D32 is still behaving like he is in the nest. He has made no indication of wanting out of the crate. Now that D32 has progressed to eating cut-up food on own, the crate and bedding are cleaned frequently. (The noting of 'he' is a pure guess at this point!)
We know it's difficult to see D32 still in an intensive care crate, but this is the level of care he needs right now.
Raise your hand if you've ever broken your leg or has had to care for a young person with a broken leg? It's not fun to be in a cast, to have our daily routine altered, and to not play with other children, but that is the level of care needed. In due time, the bone is x-rayed for the doctor to determine the amount of healing, the cast is replaced, and activity restrictions may be changed. Even once the cast is off, appropriate physical therapy will be needed.

Week 19 Style

How has your personal style changed between your teenage years and today? Or do you still follow the same basics today?

* What do you find challenging about embroidery? Are you confident making changes to a pattern or do you prefer to follow it the way it's written?

* With regards to quilt making, have you been inspired to create a quilt from difficult fabrics in your stash?  What was the source of inspiration and were you happy with the end result?

* What have you purchased direct from a maker that has become a treasure?
Knitted Vests: I have always wanted to make one, but never have, guess I have never found a pattern I cared to try or I had other things with a deadline.  I am putting this project at the top of my must knit list.  It would be easier than a sweater because no sleeves.  You don't see a lot of them today, are they old fashioned or not in style, or no one wears vests anymore.  
Embroidery:  I can I just am not good at it because I have not done it much. I keep collecting Jenny's patterns thinking someday, well someday needs to come because I have a stack that needs my attention.  I just have other things on my list, maybe I need to clear that list for vests and embroidery.  I do find when I go to antique stores I look for dresser scarves and doilies which i love and use. I know it is old fashioned but I don't care, I love them.  I often wonder who they were made for, why were they given away, did no one want them any more?  
Quilts: Not for me, too much fussy perfection involved.  I have cut out squares to make a Halloween quilt and like everything else they are sitting waiting to be sewn.  I just have too much on my plate to get all these projects done.  
Craft Fair: I love to go to these to see what others are doing and get ideas.  I try to buy at least one thing but that is hard to do.  A couple of my friends have booths so I try to go and support them.  I also like to hit the hand made embroidered tea towels and get at least one or two.  My aunt made me one a couple years ago and my hand embroidered ones are very thread bare.  But they are the best because someone actually took the time to make them.  A couple years ago I went to a Tea Fest where a pottery artist was trying to get in the market.  She had 2 purplish bowls that were so cheap I bought them.  I see she is in business and her prices have over doubled, so I feel fortunate I got them cheaper and they compliment the purples in my bedroom.  

It is too bad that kids today don't understand what goes into making something.  The time and love and trials and tests and wondering if anyone will buy it or like it.  It is sad they are not taught to actually know the satisfaction of making something.  It is a skill that needs to be taught again, so go out and teach someone something they can make.  Self satisfaction of a job tried never gets old.

Monday, July 01, 2019

Animal Farm Meet 1984

So Animal Farm is beginning to get more and more interesting by the day.  We all know they basically banned anyone who showed support of the POTUS.  I was pointed to a video last night.  It was very enlightening.  Animal Farm says they have over 8 million members yet when you go in and do some looking only about 600,000 actually have any information in their profiles, so what are the rest of the members doing?  Also when they came out with the "banning" of he who shall not be named they said no new memberships.  Really then how do you explain the hundreds of new accounts the past few days, and oh look none of them have anything in their profile. So who are these new members and how did they get in if new accounts are banned.  I think the pigs have got a hold of some rotten whiskey cos they are making no sense now and just making stuff up to cover their behinds. 

Last night this happens:  Hate speech just like making Animal Farm inclusive for all.  I know they can do what they want they own Animal Farm, however I think the rules have got a bit out of sorts.  If you hate the POTUS you can stay, if you support anything the POTUS does you have to hit the road.  Animal Farm has a monopoly of sorts for the craft world in the arena it supports, mostly knit and crochet.  Why do we have to include politics. If I see a pattern I like I used to not care who created it.  Now I want to know which way they lean because if they believe I am a white supremacist and practice hate speech then they do not get my money or business.  I don't care if you are giving free patterns away, want no part of it.  I vote with my money since 2008. 

Is Animal Farm interfering with the upcoming election, why are they all of a sudden doing this now that the left army of candidates is wandering around the country.  Is the head pig being funding by George Soros, or some other lefty group?  Who is the puppet master behind this?  Be careful out there the left is doing everything they can to cheat and win the next election because afterall we deplorables need to be squashed like a bug so they can take full control. 

Updated Community Guidelines on Rav. Posted at 5:56pm EST on 6.30.19