Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Week 20 Comfort

* What brings your own gentle domestic heart comfort?
When I hear the word comfort I immediately go to food.  Baking powder biscuits, mac and cheese, brownies, mom and pop diners where you get "comfort" food.  You know the ones, every town has them and everyone knows where they are.  They are not healthy but who cares, sometimes you just need some buttery fatty goodness to make you feel good.
Afghan and sweaters are the second thing I think of.  Who does not like to snuggle under an afghan and lay on the couch when you are sick or it is cold outside.  Bundle up in a sweater, your fav and big wooly socks in the winter and stay home and drink cocoa and watch TV.
My dad has dementia and he only finds comfort in his apartment now.  Any place else and he gets out of sort.  His cat and my mom are there, his chair, his walker, his coffee pot and cup, cookies in the afternoon.  They bring him comfort in his world now.   

Getting lost in a book or a knitting project or some other handcraft project bring me comfort.  A chance to read a great book and forget about the world or to create something that will bring me even more comfort when I wear or use it.  Working in the flower bed, getting dirt all over me, and seeing the flowers bloom, the catepillars on the milk weed, the wild sunflowers that always pop up every year, they give me comfort.  Feeding the birds, they are such a joy to watch and when the babies arrive at the feeders well there is a new beginning.  

Th author talks about vintage embroidered dresser scarves.  I collect them and doilies.  They remind me of my grandmothers and the comfort a grandmother can bring.  The time and work that went into making them.  Did they give comfort to a time of escaping from the world and concentrating on hand work?  I don't think anyone make dresser scarves any more, but when isee one in a thrift store I always snatch it up and put it on some piece of furniture.  I love to make doilies, i have a ton of "doily" thread that I need to start using and place them around my house.  Someday one of those filet crochet tablecloths will be on dining room table. I have the pattern and thread, but the time always escapes me.  Someday. 

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