Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Day 35

OH goody more rain and no outside work. 

I remember after 9/11 the airlines raised their ticket prices and cut out all kinds of things that we got for free and started charging for baggage. Now I wonder how much higher the tickets will be and will we even be able to afford to bring a tiny suitcase.  I dont like flying but it is the only way to see family on either coast as it is too much of a drive for me.  I have thought about the train though as I love to ride the train but you add 36 hours to each side of the trip, so.....  The planes are a petri dish of germs and they need to take time to clean between each flight.  Also when did it become acceptable to treat the airplane like your own home.  You don't wear your pajamas or take your shoes off and clip your nails or the other nasty things people do on a plane.  And it really is time to stop serving alcohol.  It is bad enough the pressure and being that high messes with your body you don't need to add alcohol to it.

Today's muffins are pineapple almond with a dash of Amaretto instead of the almond extract. I use the basic strawberry muffin recipe and put different fruits and nuts in.  This one is very moist and coconut would be a good addition, next time I will try it.  I got 30 out of the batch.

I saw one of the baby finch heads pop up over the nest this morning, soon they will be sitting up and chirping at me.
I saw one of those little yellow butterflies and the swallows are flying over the block.  Things are looking up. 

Had knit group today on Zoom and we had 10.  We got quite silly today more than normal.  One never knows what the conversation will be like.  IT will be nice to meet in person one day soon, I hope.

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