Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Day 29

Have you got your stimulus check yet?  I haven't.  I had to pay last year, first time ever and so I went in and gave them my bank information, so where is my check.  I don't need a check but I figure I had an emergency vet bill so what I am getting will pay for that, so it works for me.

I was going to work outside today because we are to have a rain storm tomorrow. However my head says no cos the storm headache is brewing. So I made these cookies today.  I used sliced almonds for the  pepitas and dried cranberries for the dried cherries. I used my small ice cream scoop and got 28 3" cookies, they don't spread much. They are not real sweet but they are really good.  I will keep these in the freezer a lot.

I managed to get some yard work in as the headache subsided enough to go out for a while. Got the hosta bed cleaned out and mulched.  I need a couple more to fill in the space and that bed pretty much takes care of itself. They have a yellow rosebush in the midst and it is really growing.  My Bleeding Heart got bit the other night but it has a few blooms and is growing, now to get it cleaned out around it and mulched.  My Honeysuckle got bit as well and I am not sure it is gonna bloom.  There is also a bright orange day lily in the midst of them as well. 

The House Finches have hatched, can't wait to see them peak over the nest. 

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