Sunday, April 19, 2020

Day 27

Around 10:30pm last night there was the loudest noise. Sounded like fireworks but they were so loud. Got up to see which neighbors were being idiots, but nothing just saw several neighbors out looking to see what it was.  This morning on FB I see the noise came from 14 blocks south and no one seems to know what it was but the cops were there guns drawn.  So it may be one of those mysteries that are never solved.

It is cloudy this morning, supposed to get some rain but then warm up this afternoon. I hope so I want to get outside for awhile.

Another picture of Mom and Dad Decorah the day dad disappeared.  So much love the babies that needed to be protected from the storm and so much love between mom and dad.  So sad that we never found him.  Many of us believe he knew it was time so he stocked the pantry and loved on mom and the babies and then left to go by himself.  Did mom know that it was time for him to go.  So many unanswered questions.  I hate that animals need to be by theirselves when it is time.  If only they would let us hold them as they pass on to the Rainbow Bridge.  Near as anyone can figure Dad was in his 20's and eagles in the wild normally don't live past 25 years, so perhaps he was just tired and had no more to give.  RIP Dad.

I think it is going to be more difficult going back after we can go out and about as if nothing happened that it was for me to be safe at home.  I have to say being retired it is not that difficult for me. I am usually out and about doing meetings, knit groups, etc but Zoom has taken care of the knit groups.  Church is on hold til who knows when. 

 Someone has escaped the nest cup.  Later this afternoon they were all out of the nest cup, so much for it lasing very much longer.
Their talons at this stage in life remind me of a bunch of carrots with nails.  We call them clown feet, cos they waddle on them and they are so awkward.  Fun times.

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