Saturday, April 11, 2020

Day 18 Good Friday

Local news just reported trash guys can't keep up with all the trash being set out now that people are home and doing their spring cleaning.  Well what did you think was gonna happen.  They are home and need something to do so why not spring clean and do some things they need time to accomplish.  Next week we have a trash amnesty to put out 12 bags instead of the 2 without having to buy a $2 tag to put out more than 2 bags.  I know this next week I will be working on those 12 bags.  You are damned if you do and damned if you don't.  I realize no one was expecting all of us at home for several weeks but many are making the best of it by getting things done, because afterall what else should we be doing?  Eating, drinking, sleeping, being bored, breaking social distancing? 

I thought early shopping meant the shelves were to be stocked. Not so. Besides the nasty ole women need to stay home if they can't be polite. There is a line don't try to push your way in front of me and tell me I can't be there cos I'm not over 60. Well thank you for the compliment but I have every right to be there and you need to get back to the end of the line. AND do not ram your cart into me cos I stopped to get some meat. Stay back your 6 feet. There were 2 old biddies that about got slapped from me today. Rules and manners people. 

Not only were people rude today but the store is under construction so everything is in a different place and there is stuff everywhere.  You can't find anything and there were boxes of stuff all over.  What a mess it all is.  

Since I was out it is free donut day at Dunkin Donut if you buy a drink and pay with the app. OK I am out already and it was 7:30am did not have my breakfast yet.  BTW those protein muffins are really good and very filling.  I got a jelly donut for breakfast tomorrow.  I also got 10 donut holes for Easter morning, I am going to go see dad cos we always did sunrise service, we would get coffee and donuts and go together.  So I have the code to get into the mausoleum early and I will go have sunrise service with him and we can read the Bible together.  I miss you dad and all the traditions we had.  

They are so cute at this stage in their lives.  Lunch is served, trout or sucker fish?  



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