Monday, May 18, 2020

The Cross Stitch World has a Loss

Frank Bielec half of Mosey n Me has died.  Now that I see a picture of him I recognize many of the male characters in the patterns. I do have several of the patterns, I need to get them out and work them up.  Here are many pictures of the patterns over the years. I had no idea he did a lot of other things as well.,online_chips:cross+stitch+pattern&client=firefox-b-1-d&hl=en&ved=2ahUKEwiFxJGPzbvpAhUKkqwKHWrJBegQ4lYoAHoECAEQFg&biw=1286&bih=666

Went to grocery store for mom and I.  No yeast, not many items of anything, hamburger was $8 a pound and chicken was $7.  How are poor people supposed to eat.  I can afford it I just won't pay that price cos I know the  farmers are not getting that money.

And then there were 4:

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