Monday, May 11, 2020

Day 48 Happy Mother's Day

It is one of those crisp Fall days, but wait it is May 10th.  The sun is out and everything is so sparkling clean.  We may have a slight frost again tonight, really mid may and we have frost.  Seems anymore we have a few weeks of Spring, about 3 months of Summer and the rest is Fall running to Winter.

Happy Birthday to my brother as well.

I took my mom some lunch and her masks and some other things today.  I can't go inside so I handed her stuff through the side door.

I miss my dad a lot today, we would fix mom a lunch with some lemon dessert. She loves lemon. Dad does not but he liked lemonade, go figure. He would always eat a piece of dessert just because it was mom's fav.  When they lived in their house we always went got her a rosebush or hosta or some plant for her flower garden.  When they moved into the facility we went and got a container of flowers for her deck.  Now the stores are closed and I could not get her anything.  The masks will have to do for now.

I made myself some masks today, the bottom 2 I don't really like the pattern cos they are too open at the bottom, I am going to pleat them. 

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