Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Day 43

My state increased 400 cases over the weekend we are heading towards 9000 cases with almost 400 deaths.  There is a "soft" opening tomorrow whatever that means and we will are still on lock down til the 15th.  This has got out of hand.  The natives are restless and we the people have had enough.

I asked my mom what she wanted for Mother's Day, she is locked down til who knows when. She said all she wanted to go out for a really nice lunch. So when she gets to get out and feels like venturing out we will go. Meanwhile I was trying to think of what to get her and am gonna make her some masks to wear out as she has some dr apts coming up soon.

So today I am working on the characters for my niece's book. It is very wet out and the mold count is high so no outside work today.

I miss seeing the finches in the nest, I have empty nest syndrome.

It is a another perfect weather day, went out and worked a bit in the garden waiting for my stylist to bring me my color package for me to do my own hair.  I will have to wait for a hair cut, it is not too bad yet.  Dad Lizard is enjoying the sun.

I found a pattern for masks without elastic, I am cutting out fabric and making some for my mom and myself.

My silly boy:

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