Thursday, May 21, 2020

Glad No One Saw That

Since it was nice out this morning and no sun but plenty of humidity I decided I needed to get that 2nd application on the yard.  Brought my new spreader in and started looking for the handle. The instructions I got were not the model I have.  OK so they cleverly put the handle on the bottom to be able to stack them, so take the handle off and put it back on.  OK fill with application and start.  Well I put the handle on backwards so back into the garage with the door down of course and re-do the handle.  The handle is low even for me being short, I can only imagine how a tall person would be.  I like the spreader it is wider, holds more and shoots the stuff all around so I don't have to walk as much. 

I saw 3 blooms on my tomato today, now it just needs some sun. 

I have a flower bed in the front I call the beast, for the last 4 years taking care of parents it has got way out of hand, there are trees growing in there, so I cut them down just to see where I am.  There is also this grass that you can't pull out it has to be dug out, it grows out of control.  So next week I am spending at least one hour a day getting it back under control. I have cardboard to put down and then cover with river pebble.  I am putting pots of flowers instead of trying to plant anything in the ground so the trees and grass won't be able to grow back again.  This is my summer project to get that bed under control, the rest are smaller and I am able to keep them under control. 

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