Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Signature Lines

Do you ever read the signature lines of your email? Two of my favs are: Get your knit together and my fav is: save the planet earth, it is the only planet with chocolate.

Happy Mardi Gras, I should put that on my bucket list, if I have not already, always wanted to go. We had pancakes for breakfast and pizza for lunch in the batcave today. Hey afterall it is Fat Tuesday.

My suggestion for politicians since it is Super Tuesday. You get to spend $100K and that is it. Starting Labor Day of Election year you can start, no debates on TV, no travelling, if you can't tell me who you are and what you are going to do in 60 days then you got no business being my President. Write a 2-3 page paper outlining your "stuff" and the newspapers print it for free. I can tell you as a tax payer and federal employee I certainly dont get to take a year off to annoy the heck out of the voters. So who is doing your job while you are out lying to me to get my vote?

I dont really want to vote for any of the candidates this year, no one worthy of my vote, but I do know i am NOT voting for any Democrat, you all are not worthy.

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