Monday, February 04, 2008

The Bucket List

I finally got to see The Bucket List over the weekend. Whether you like Jack Nicholson or not I believe this is one movie everyone inthe world needs to see because: it makes you think about your life and whatever time you have left and how you should spend it. I expected to laugh a lot which I did some but you really need to take several kleenexes cos it is a sad movie.

I thought yesterday about my bucket list and while I would like to have a million dollars and be able to quit work and be filthy stinking rich there are a few things I would really like to do and they are simplet things: learn to spin yarn, write a children's book, take a boat ride down the Nile, go to Egypt, go to Australia, go to Vancouver for a week, go to Russia, go to Hong Kong for the silk and fabrics, knit up all my yarn to leave no stash, read all my books to leave no stash. I still have 6 states I have not been in which I would like to do, drive a lamborghini, go to Mardi Gras, attend the World Series especially if the DOdgers are playing.

Think about the things you want to do and why aren't you? Granted the guys in the movie had unlimited funds but there were simple things that required no money, just doing them.

So what is on your Bucket List?

I give this movie 10 stars out of 5.

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