Monday, February 25, 2008

For Kevin and Myke

One of my cousins of my fav aunt is gay. I really don't care one way or another but there are issues he faces in his life that I dont and so because I love him please read below and do what you can to help. Unbelievable that if nothing else her children would have been allowed to see her. Some people need to throw the "rule book" out the window and do what is right.

Dear friends and family,
I am asking a favor of all of you. I can't remember asking for too many favors but when I read this it hit very close to home because Kevin and I have been together for so many years and we face hurdles like this every day. This article is about a family that was denied access to another member of their family while she was dying in a hospital. Her own children were not allowed to spend her last hours with her. The surviving parent was denied access to a death certificate to even be able to file for support for the children.
Here's the favor:
Please write to the CEO of this Hospital and tell him that it is not okay to treat human beings this way. On her death bed this woman was refused the only comfort she has known for 18 years. Her children were denied access and made to feel like criminals while they awaited word on their dying mother. A friend of mine found the e-mail address of the CEO of the hospital. I will post it as a link so you only have to click it to send a message. Then to make a bigger statement please forward this to your address book so that more people write and express their concern at this travesty of human decency. Ask them to do the same on behalf of two members of your family or a close friend. I have received many letters already from supporters all over the world including Italy, Iceland, Finland and almost every state in the country. Kevin and I face things like this every day of our lives. As we grow older we face even more difficulties in regards to retiring or having any form of joint property even though we have been together for all these years. Many people only think this happens periodically but I can assure you that if it happens in a major Hospital in Miami then it happens every day in many Hospitals across the country. My friends from other countries don't understand. They ask me how something like this can happen in the USA. I have no answer for them. Put yourself in this woman's place and try to imagine what you would feel like if you were not allowed to be with your spouse or if your children were not even allowed to say good bye to you when you were dying. To make matters worse this family was on vacation and this all happened thousands of miles from home. After experiencing this they had to board a plane and head home broken and shattered and injured. Please note that Ms. Pond was 39 and had been with Ms. Langbehn since she was 21 years old. This was a lifelong commitment and three children lost their mother as well.

Please write Mr. Quinn a letter and tell him that God would not approve of this inhuman behavior. Don't forget to tell everyone you know. One day it could be any of us.
Dying Lesbian's Partner Denied Access To Herby Newscenter Staff
Posted: February 22, 2008 - 1:00 pm ET
(Miami, Florida) Janice Langbehn and Lisa Pond had planned to take their three children on a family cruise. The Olympia, Washington couple had been together 18 years and with their children were looking forward to the holiday.
But just as they were about to depart on the cruise from Miami, Florida. Pond, a healthy 39-year-old, suddenly collapsed. She was rushed to Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami with Langbehn and the children following close behind.
But once Langbehn and the children arrived at the hospital the hospital refused to accept information from her about Ponds’s medical history.
Langbehn says she was informed that she was in an antigay city and state, and she could expect to receive no information or acknowledgment as family.
A doctor finally spoke with Janice telling her that there was no chance of recovery.
Other than one five minute visit, which was orchestrated by a Catholic priest at Langbehn’s request to perform last rites, and despite the doctor’s acknowledgement that no medical reason existed to prevent visitation, neither she nor her children were allowed to see Pond until nearly eight hours after their arrival.
Soon after Pond'’s death, Langbehn tried to get her death certificate in order to get life insurance and Social Security benefits for their children. She was denied both by the State of Florida and the Dade County Medical Examiner.
With the help of Lambda Legal Langbehn has notified Jackson Memorial Hospital that she intends to file a lawsuit.
"There is nothing that can make up for what my children and I endured that day,” Langbehn says of the day Pond died. “We only want the hospital to take responsibility for how they treated us and ensure that it doesn’t happen to another family.”
In accordance with Florida law, Lambda Legal is waiting for the hospital to respond to the notice of intent to sue before formally filing a complaint with the court.
"The treatment that Janice and her children received was unethical and discriminatory," said Beth Littrell, Staff Attorney for Lambda Legal.
"This letter puts them on notice that we are advocating for justice for Janice and her children."

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