Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Bodies Revealed

Union Station is bringing an exhibit called Bodies Revealed. They actually took real bodies, preserved them somehow and peeled the skin off to reveal what is inside. How cool is that, I can't wait to get see the exhibit. The reason I am writing is now the Catholic Church is getting involved. They are telling their schools not to take the kids to see it because it is disrepectful to the dead. How can that be, these bodies are people who died and were never claimed and used as cadavers for medical and science students. So in a way we are making them somewhat heroes of a sort. How can it be disrepectful since the soul has left and this is just a storage unit for all the stuff in us, get real Catholic Church. Dont you have some priests to protect who molested little children. I will post when I view the exhibit and let you know what it is like. I always wanted to see what I looked like inside.

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