Wednesday, February 27, 2008

American Idol Guys

OK the guys really sucked last night, what is wrong with this year's contestants, only one or two kind of wow me. 1. Michael Johns- I like him but last night it just did not work for me (C). 2. Jason Castro-I like this kid,he is cute and quirky, I like the guitar it is part of him, but once again it did not work for me (C). 3. Luke Menard-he was better than last week and his voice is nice but (C). 4. Robbie Carrico-I think last night is really the first time I listened tohis voice, he has a nice voice (C+). 5. Danny Noriega-I just cant stand this one, he irritates me like fingernails on a chalk board (D). 6. David Hernandez-I dont care for him, I cant pinpoint it however he did a good job (B+). 7. Jason Yeager-what is it about this guy, does he think the skunk streak makes him a rocker-he is like a Ken doll-all plastic and not real (C). 8. Chikezee-I like this guy and he was good last night-it was a good song choice for him (B+). 9. David Cook-dont like him and his hair-he needs a stylist, you are not Daughtry who I did not like either (B). 10. David Archuleta-they truly saved the best for last. WOW, his voice and emotions, he truly has the whole package, I agree with Simon, he is the one to beat. He almost brought tears to my eyes with his singing. (A).

Randy had the girly bead bracelets on, slut puppy had the girls out with a huge necklace laying in the cleavage, does she think the world does not see her flirting with these guys and they are probably going ewww she is old enough to be my mother. Why do they argue with Simon, he lays it on the line, if you suck, he tells you, the world needs more Simons.

Send Danny and Jason Yeager home.

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