Wednesday, February 20, 2008

American Idol

So Randy what is up with the girly big bead bracelets and do you not know any words but man and dawg? And was Paula on drugs, hey slut puppy go home and leave the world alone, no one likes you anymore. I love Simon, he puts it on the line. I have to say noone really wowed me but it was the first night and the nerves were showing. The guys were on and here is my rating: David Hernandez-too stiff-loosen up-C+; Chikezie-I like him-great personality-the orange suit did fit him-C+; David Cook-don't like him-did not like Daughtry-B; Jason Yeager-were we going for the 60's prom look-cos you almost made it-C-; Robbie Carrico-reminds me of Bucky Covington kind of-B-; David Archuleta-how could you not love him-he has the whole package-but what genre would you have him record-A; Danny Noriega-someone slap him-is he full of himself or what-he thinks he is better than he is-B- only because he is not a sucky singer-otherwise I would have given him the gong; Luke Menard-a young Kenny Loggins-i like his voice butC-; Colton Berry-he took the kid from Ok' place-he was better at Elvis than Danny butB-; Garrett Haley-are you a girl? very bland C-; Jason Castro-I like his voice, it is different as he is-A-; Michael Johns-my fav-I think he could sing most anything-A. I would send home Jason Yeager, Luke Menard and Garrett Haley.

Temp is 7 with a wind chill of -10, they were talking on the radio about the kids staying home cos they may have to stand out in the cold to wait on the bus. BUS? I used to walk a mile to catch the bus in Des Moines in the winter, bundle the little panty wastes up and build some character as my father would say. I heard there is something in the Pacific that is causing this freaky winter and we can expect 10-20 more years of this, hey Al Gore where is that global warming,if I go green will I get warm winters?

In case you dont get up at o dark early it is getting light out a 6am. I heard this morning that Ben and Jerry is supporting Obama because they could make an ice cream flavor called B-rocky road but not one called pantsuits and cream.

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