Wednesday, April 30, 2008

American Idol

How sweet was it Paula was a complete mess and everyone saw it. It is all over the radio and TV this morning. OK time to take her off the show. I laughed my back side off, it was great.

Not a Neil Diamond fan however two songs were way too much for some of them. Jason did way better than last week but I think he thinks he can just slap some crap out there and we should be ok with it cos he is cute, Jason not working anymore. I give him a D, D. David C was good and i gave him a B, A-. Brooke-does anyone else thinks she sucks more every week and why is she still on. I agree with Simon it was a nightmare, her little facial expresions and poutiness need to go, she is so Paula. I give her a D, C. David A poor kid does anyone else think he looks scared to death that no matter what Simon says it can't be as bad as his dad. What kind of parent does that, oh yea Billy Ray Cyrus and what kind of parent lets his daughter do a pose like that, Vanity Fair, billy are you so backwoods you dont know what a Vanity Fair cover is all about? Syesha, she is finally showing some personality, I give her a B, A-.

Who is going home, anyone's guess cos I never thought Carly was going home last week.

Dancing with the Stars, Def Leppard, are you kidding me, isn't that like the kiss of death? I like Def Leppard a lot but that show is not their genre. At least they voted off that whiny little witch Shannon Elizabeth or whatever her name was. And I think Kristi gagmuchi should not be on, it is apparent her skating skills give her an edge but I loved the fact that she got booted down by Jason.

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