Sunday, April 27, 2008


It is time for me to say goodbye to my young feral tom Skittles ( the all black cat above on the bottom). He lived ninety lives in his short youth. I last saw him a week ago yesterday and I am sure he went off to die somewhere. He had all the hide torn off under his chin and you could literally see inside of him. I was so busy with appointments, etc that I made up my mind to catch him the next day an dhave him put down. I never got the chance. I am sorry Skittles I did not want you to die alone. I love you and I miss you. He would follow me on the deck in the morning when I fed the birds and talk to me then he had to have his head scratched before he would eat. He was a sweet cat and I hate that he could not just let things be. I am sure the woodchuck got ahold of him. I know you are in God's care now and someday we will all be together again. I told the "girls" ( my other kitties gone before him, Garfield, Cricket, and Fritzy) to watch over you.

My one feral tom, Little BIt, who is 5 was just out re-claiming the deck once again. He is in the fuzzy picture on the top. He has lived in the cul de sac for 5 years and just meanders around not bothering anyone. He is my youngest inside cat's daddy.

So long Skittles, may you rest in peace now and I know you are not suffering anymore. I love you.

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