Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Sinus Infection

For those one or two people who read my senseless ramblings here i have had a sinus infection so nothing from me for awhile.

So did you hear TSA wants to provide mood lighting and muzak? like that is gonna make them anymore pleasant and less surly. They say it is for us waiting in line for them to abuse us. Have you ever met a nice TSA person? Can't say that I have. Talk about a Federal agency that should be called in for fraud, waste, and abuse hotline. where is my number?

I also read today that many government employees have been abusing their gov credit cards, I wish i knew I could be buying yarn on mine instead of me paying for it. Can you believe the things they bought, I saw one paid for a prostitute, can we send our cards to Spitzer for approval?

On to Idol last night, Paula put the girls away, no one wants to see them. Why is she on the show? She never has anything to say other than you look pretty or you are true to yourself? What? She just needs to be one of those one hit wonders and gravitate to the dark side and stay.
I give Michael a B+; Syesha just bores me-B-; Jason disappointed me however the judges loved him C; Kristy B+; David C did not work for me B-; Carly did not work for me but she looked good B-; David A A; and Brooke rushed the songs B-. I am glad Ramiele went home last week, she was such a baby. Let's see I would send Syesha home this week, really I would have sent her and Brooke packing a few weeks ago but I am not in charge of Idol.

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