Monday, April 14, 2008

Joys of Spring?

According the calendar Spring was almost a month ago. My grass is that pretty thick spring green that needs mowed but I can't cos the rain and/or snow won't let me yet. I have dandelions in my flower beds, aren't their yellow flowers pretty? My trees are budding out, but yet we had snow Saturday and Sunday. At least I dont live in Minnesota where they had a foot of white, egads.

Also the city has decided now those of us with sprinkler systems may be polluting the sewers so we have to have someone come out and check to see if we have a backflow valve and if not we have to have one installed and oh yea we have to have it checked annually. I knew when they put those new water meters in the house they were fishing. It has to be done my May 7 but hey it froze last night and if you think I am going to have someone come out and turn on my sprinklers during winter think again.

And oh yea one of my rat bastard neighbors turned me in cos I have a pile of sticks in my yard, let me see I did a fall cleanup day and it pretty much turned to crap since then so I did not get them to the yard waste place, I know who you are cos you are the only ones who can see it. They are piled neatly and not hurting anything so I think I know whose yard will get my used kitty litter. These people stay home all day and apparently have nothing better to do. ANother letter fromthe city telling me I have 10 days to clean it up or I go to jail and pay a fine. Lets see if I dont get my backflow valve checked I lose my water but guess it does not matter cos I wont need it in jail. Makes me want to move to the country.

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