Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Dear Left

You are such hypocrites.  You claimed Russia interfered in the 2016 election but we all know he did not get Trump elected, actually Hillary did. I remember in 2106 you screwed Bernie over.  Now you are doing it again.  Not that the Commie Bernie should be POTUS but if the people want that for a POTUS then that is the legal and fair way to win the election.  Biden needs to go home, the man is not well mentally. Those are not gaffes, that is a mind with dementia.  Who is going to be his VEEP and that person will ruin the country based on what the elite left and Bloomberg buys and decides.  You are doing exactly what you accused my side of and you should be ashamed. We have the electoral college for a reason and we have the primaries for a reason.  None of your candidates have done anything in their life but suck off the government teat by staying in office for a long time and not putting forth any real bills to be passed and make the country better.  You are getting what you wanted.  For years you have brainwashed children in school to believe Capitalism is bad, Socialism is good. Well guess what those children are now voting and having children and voting and therefore you get Bernie.  It is not too late to start teaching the History of this country, teach morals, valued, and ethics in school.  Teach kids they have want they want but they  have to work for it and not everyone can be a millionaire.  The government is not your parent nor should it take care of you the rest of your life.  You made your bed now you need to lie in it.  SHAME ON YOU!

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