Saturday, March 28, 2020

Day 4

Had some rain and thunder in the wee hours and now it is chilly and cloudy, another day without sun. It would be better being stuck at home if I had some sun, has been about 2 weeks of clouds now.  That alone can drive a person batty.

I started sewing the masks and after 3 I got sick of them, I will make my self finish them just to get them off my plate.

So everyone is like why are people buying a cart load of TP?  The answer is simple, my neighbors have 5 in their house, 2 adults, a female teenager, and 2 grade school boys.  They leave the house around 7 or so and get home around 5.  Now those 5 people are home all day, imagine how much TP they are using now, just like everything else, the kids ate lunch at school now they eat at home.  I know when I retired I had more dishes and used a lot more of regular stuff cos I am home all day, every day.

I have been home for a week now and I am getting to the point where I am ok now.  Why is it I have tons of things to do and when my calendar is full I get upset cos I can't stay home and work on stuff.  Now I am home and I don't want to do any of it. Once I get the masks done I will start back on my basement.  There is always something.

I was looking out the window where I hang the hummingbird feeder thinking it was about time to start making nectar cos they would be here soon.  I spied a new messy nest being built so I will need to rethink it.  On the other side of my front porch is a House Finch, they have been bringing in new nest material, this will be their 2nd year there.

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