Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Day 7

If you are on Facebook you know people are getting creative on how they pass their time during this time.  One of my favs is the wife has long blond hair and she bends over and fluffs her hair to hang down like a horse tail.  He gets in front of her with his back to the camera and the music makes them bounce along as it he was riding a horse. Lots of "virus" songs being written, and other fun things.  The mind can do some pretty silly stuff when forced to keep busy.  There are lots of color pages, crafts for kids, blueprint has free classes til April 9th, lots of free cross stitches being given on FB, and tons of other things. 

I decided to put St Pat's away and drag out Easter.  How many Easter bunnies does one need.  I found a tub that had nothing but stuffed bunnies in all sizes and colors and textures, etc.  Well I had 4 Easter tubs and I now have 2.  I am trying to whittle down my holiday tubs to 2 each.  I have way too many decorations and so this year I am cleaning out. They all reside on shelves in my attic that walks out over the garage from my bedroom.  They are getting too heavy to haul downstairs and then back up and it is a lot of work for what?  I have 2 small boxes of Easter dishes, for what, just mom and I now and I usually go over there and eat cos it is only $6 and I don't have to cook or clean up afterwards.  Mom can't cook anymore so.....  Times change and not always for the better.

We had knit group on Zoom.  It went well and we ended up just sitting around talking mostly about the virus.  We decided we needed to stay in touch once a week just to keep up with everyone and make sure we were all ok.  We had just started a toy class but that will have to be put on hold.  

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