Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Raise Your Hand

How many of you have seen the "green" grocery bags the stores expect you to buy? Honestly how many bags must you buy cos they hold what a loaf of bread and a container of Hagen Daazs? Don't ask how I know. THey are $.99-$1.99 and if I was a family with kids I would spend $100 on just bags when the store gives me grocery bags for free and you can use them for other things. Having 4 litter boxes I go through plastic bags like a tornado goes through Kansas. You can make purses and rugs from them. You can let them pile up til you can't find anything in your house but plastic bags, do they have little old plastic bag ladies like little old cat ladies? I have to admit I purchased some of them from Pier One, did I use them for groceries, no something much more important. They make great project bags, yes folks my "green" bags are holding yarn. I was at a class for a crochet purse on Sunday and the "green" bags came up and we all used them for projects. I also use those big kitty litter containers and other plastic containers for projects.

I would like to ask the plastic bag people what i am supposed to do with my kitty litter, I put a bag in a small trash can and carry it from litter box to litter box and on the last box I put the plastic bag in my garbage can in the garage. You really don't expect me to put the litter in a bare trash can and wash it out every day do you and if there are no plastic bags where am I to put my garbage? Perhaps instead of taking away my plastic bags you need to make one that is biodegradable.

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