Wednesday, March 12, 2008

American Idol

I do not get when they say this is the best group yet, Are you listening to them. Melinda is better than all of them and she came in #3. There are some good singers but honestly no one wows me this year, they are kind of ho hum and last night many were boring.

1. Syesha-I dont think she is long for the Idol stage. She is ok (C+)
2. Chikezie-wow where did that come from, he was the best of the evening, way to go. (A)
3. Ramiele-safe and boring, snoozer (C)
4. Jason-he reminds me of someone from the 60's and 70's but can not figure out who, perhaps somewhat Arlo Guthrie? he was boring, i like his voice and his facial expressions-well he needs to be watched to watch his face (C)
5. Carly-she has a great voice but still does not wow me (B+)
6. David Cook-his arrogance should put him gone but-he thinks he is daughtry whom I did not like-stop the screaming-(C)
7. Brooke-what is it about her, her voice is not spectacular, and she is boring, I just don't like her (C)
8. David Hernandez-I expected him to do a better job on that song (C+)
9. Amanda-I love her, she is cute under all the stuff and her personality is now coming out, she did a great job on that song. (A)
10. Michael-it was kind of safe and boring (B-)
11. Kristy-Barbie-oh dear, you can not country everything and the tempo of the band was too fast for her singing, that did not totally work (C-)
12. David Archuletta-his worst performance, poor kid, i think he will be ok though (C)

I predict Kristy will go home but send Brooke, Ramiele, and David Cook home and scoot up the contest by 3 weeks.

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