Wednesday, March 26, 2008

American Idol

Ok so who cares anymore who wins? I still dont get they keep saying this is the best group ever? They must all be on Paula's drugs cos no one has wowed me yet and no one has given me goosebumps when they sang.

Songs from the year they were born, good thing 1987 produced a lot of songs.

1. Ramiele-her outfit sucked and did not match the song. Heart is too big of a song for her to sing (C)
2. Jason-he needs to do something cos I expect him to sound the same every week (B-)
3. Syesha-guess she decided she needed to put it out there to stay in the competition (B)
4. Chikezie-I agree with Simon where did he go (B+)
5. Brooke-I love that she screwed up her song right on the very first word (C)
6. Michael-finally a good song from him (B+)
7. Carly-is she pregnant? I thought she did a good job but she is kind of predictable too and will she be in the bottom 3 again? (B)
8. David A-predictable as Jason (B+)
9. Kristy-that is the first time she has sang I actually thought she did a good job (B)
10. David C-I have to say I did not recognize the song at first but I really like what he did better than the Michael Jackson version-for me best of night (A)

Dial Idol has Chikezie going home but they have not done very good this season picking the loser, who is going home? Hard to say this week, the good ones kind of failed and the bad ones kicked it in gear.

Dancing with the Stars: no surprise Penn and Monica went home.

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