Sunday, June 23, 2024

She Is Driving Me Crazy

 So Lila brought one of the black kittens on Friday.  This morning she brought up the largest one that looks like her and one black runt.  I sure wish I knew where the other 3 were.  We have had a lot of hawks/owls and other critters this week and I do not want to think about what may have happened but nature is often cruel.

This little black one looks pretty small.  He hangs right beside Lila most of the time. He can barely jump up on the front porch.

This one is gonna be a pistol. Look at the face. If this is a girl her name is:  Delilah Grace.  She may be coming inside with Lila.


The other day the squirrel was deciding if he should be brave or not and jump on Licorice.  He must have decided it would not end well for him.

Stay cool the heat index is gonna be way over 100 the next 2 days.  So thankful I have a new air conditioner.

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