Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 So I am not sure what game Lila was playing but her and the babies are back or never left across the street from me on the side of my house.  Yesterday morning she brought 4 up, where was the 5th one, it was the runt, did something happen? I hope not, she does not always bring them all up.

I contacted the animal adoption organization in town yesterday.  They gave me the TNR website. I completed the form to have them trap the kittens and Lila.  They will be fixed and then I will keep Lila and either give away the kittens or take them to a shelter.  I do not like the release into the wild part.  I also do not like when I see people let their cats outside.  There are so many dangers for them out there.  

Anyway I hope this trapping goes well. I think Lila is ready to come in, she keeps coming to the door when I open it and looks in the house like I need to get in there but I have kittens and they need me.

I know when I get her trapped and get fixed and bring her home we may take some backward steps but I need to get her inside where she is safe.  My heart has invested too much in her to let her go. 

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