Sunday, June 16, 2024


 I love Spring and Summer because of growing and blooming and the beds look so pretty plus I have seen some bees and I have lots of hummingbirds and of course the finch are eating the salvia seed and will soon move to the Black Eyed Susans.

The tomato gets new blooms daily and the pepper plant has really shot up this past week.  The sweet potato has a ton of new leaves.  I had to re-pot the rosemary cos I think it was staying too wet.  We shall see if this works better.

Waiting for my Rose of Sharon to start blooming.

I love this shade of purple

The pink petunias really took off this week, it has got hot and they seem to love it.

By the way Happy Father's Dad, I miss you and love you.  We would have found a place to have a picnic lunch of fried chicken at some park today. 

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