Saturday, August 27, 2022

School has Started

 Boy it is hard to get back into the groove of getting up and getting ready to go to school.  But it will be ok in a couple of weeks when I get used to it. I hope everyone had a great first week at school.  Next week I am going to be kind of subdued, too bad my orange daisy with a face button did not show. So a simple dress with vest and of course orange shoes.  

My dresser made a mock dog body, it is pretty funny but what are you going to do when you need to make sure the outfit fits for the Pet Gala.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Look what my dresser go today, too many things in the book that can be used for me. I am a lucky lightbulb.

1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

Oh my goodness! A tea party crochet set?! That's so neat!

The first week or two of school are always hard to get back into routine.