Wednesday, August 03, 2022

National Coloring Book Day

 So August 2nd is National Coloring Book Day.  Since I live at ScrapsKC my "dresser" decided to make it a day to try and sell crayons and color books and just do something fun.  So she made me a yellow dress and headband (picture to come later) and found a Smurf Coloring Book ( her dad's favorite comic) and made a basket with crayons and boxes of crayons (these are buttons in her stash--you should see her stash in her craft room. I could get lost in there and have so much fun).  Anyway I think I am going to take over her blog as she does not post much anymore or maybe I can prod her to post more.

1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

Well, I can't wait to see the dress! :-)