Thursday, June 18, 2020

Ditties, Tomato, Skinks

I meant to do my work today—
But a brown bird sang in the apple-tree
And a butterfly flitted across the field,
And all the leaves were calling me.
–Richard Le Gallienne (1866–1947)
A friend of mine posts little things like this, I call them ditties and this one spoke to me, sometimes I just  like to sit outside and enjoy nature. 

So a ditty is really a song, but you could easily sing this to a tune you create in your head.  A ditty is a little song or a simple tune. When you're babysitting, you might sing a soft ditty to help a child fall asleep. A ditty might be a simple nursery rhyme in song form, or even the theme song to your favorite TV show. Ditties are easy to learn, and fairly short and effortless to sing.
I have one itty bitty tomato and lots of blooms, sure hope I get some good maters to make some sauce this year.  

I am putting down black plastic and cardboard and then rock in my flower bed, the beast.  As I pulled the roll of plastic away I uncovered an 8" long skink and several eggs.  I covered the eggs back up with a bit of dirt. I also saw a bright blue skink in my naked lady bed this morning.

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