Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Dear T-Mobile

Why do you even have stores anymore.  Your employees provide no customer service at all.  Now the doors are locked and you have to wait outside on the sidewalk until they see you and come out and ask what you want.  It is as if we bothered them doing something important and how dare we need anything.  And locking the door it is not like you are Manola Blahnik where the shoes start at $600 and go up over $2200. 

I have been a customer for over 20 years now but I am thinking I need to take my business elsewhere.  I noticed over the weekend the left side of my phone was coming apart.  I went to the store and was met by a snotty employee who took  my phone, left me standing outside, then came back and said your battery is swollen, here is a card to call and file a claim cos you have insurance.  Can't we do that here, NO.  And she went back inside.

Your claims website sucks.  I tried 4 times to get past entering my phone number.  I finally called the phone number on the website, well that was a huge disaster.  The automated guy thought I said my phone was lost or stolen and wanted to suspend my number when I said my battery was swollen.  Why is it companies won't let us talk to anyone.  You are saving money with these automated systems but they never cover what the customer needs.  I finally called the phone number on the card which btw is different than what your claims website phone number is.  After going through several automated questions I finally got a real person.  However they spoke broken English and she could not even understand when I spelled things out for her.

I received my phone yesterday, tried my best to get the fricking sim card in and gave up and went back to the store.  The kid came out and I told him what was going on and he looked at me like I was stupid or something.  Really don't give me attitude cos I have had enough of the world right now.  I asked him if he could put it in for me and download from my old phone to the new one. OMG he got all freaked out, I can't touch that. Why not, you have a mask on go put gloves on and do this, I pay for service which includes you taking care of what I need to make my phone work.  Nope they don't that service anymore.  I went off, then what the hell are these stores for? Only if you want to purchase a phone, otherwise you are on your own.  He walked me through the sim card, well seems the sim they gave me was too big for myphone so I pulled the one out of my old phone and put it in. He told me to use smart switch to transfer data.  So back home I went and spent the evening doing what he should have been doing.

Needless to say I was pretty pissed when I got home.  Once again I wrote a not so nice email.  I doubt they care cos most businesses don't care about customer service anymore because there are so few choices.  But they need to know that I have been loyal and they treat me like crap now.  And their employees are snotty little snowflakes.

So when I am done with this phone I will be taking my business elsewhere.

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