Sunday, September 22, 2019

Week 24 Sharing

What skills do you have which can be passed along to family, neighbours and friends?

* What new skill have you learned in the past year? Who taught you?

* What skill would you like to learn?
I have taught many people how to knit and crochet.  How to cook, bake, and other things.  I believe if God gave you a talent you are to use it to teach others and help them learn new things.
I would like to learn to can. I remember in High School I helped my mom but she never really taught me how to do it. I bought some books and got some jars and want to make apple butter this Fall.  I want to learn to tat, and knit the brioche stitch, and the double knit stitch, and tunisian crochet.  
The author's daughter who loves to bake calls cupcakes fairy cups.  I like cupcakes because it is like you get a piece of cake all by itself.  
So many parents today just do it themselves instead of teaching their children how to do things. Those kids go into the world without any skills and mom and dad still have to take care of them.  I saw so many of my co-workers who had 30 year old kids who could not even do laundry or cook a meal.  That does not do them any good at all.  I was fortunate that my mom taught me how to cook, do laundry, clean the house and my dad taught me to hang sheetrock and wire the house.  I can change a tire and do lots of things that kids can't do nor do they want to cos they can either call mom or dad or pay to have it done.  It is very sad that kids today are not self sufficient.  
Share a skill you have with someone, you both will be happy and have a good time.  

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