Monday, September 23, 2019

Charlotte's Web

Charlotte's Web is my favorite book, I have no idea how many times I have read it or how many copies I have.  Every time I see a copy at a sale I buy it.  This morning when I got up and opened the dining room curtain I found this beautiful web.  She had just spun around a snack and so I went outside to see what was going on.  She hooked on to the sunflower plant and the eaves of the house and strung it cat-a-corner across the flower bed outside the dining room.  With the moisture and sun it was beautiful.  She ate her snack and then started to cinch up where the hole is until there was nothing but a straight line and then she went up to the eave and has napped since.  She is a light orange color, not sure what kind of spider she is.  I call all spiders Charlotte after my favorite one.

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