Wednesday, July 08, 2020

RIP Bucky

I had to let Bucky go this morning. I did not want to but sometimes we don't always get what we want.  She had not been eating and just laying around, she would try to eat and then just walk away.  I thought maybe she had an abscessed tooth. So off to the vet yesterday morning. She had just been there in May for her annuals.  She has aggressive liver cancer that just seemed to come on like a freight train rolling over everything. She has lost 1 1/2 pounds since May and this started over the weekend.  Based on where she is she does not have that long and would more than likely have such an awful life that I won't do that to her just to keep her around.  So I give her back to God.  She was 16 in April, so she had a good long life I just wanted more.

One day I was in DC for a meeting and my mom called me that night and said there are 12 cats on your deck, WHAT?  There was a momma cat along with 2 of her offspring who all had 4 kittens each.  So when I got home mom and I rounded up the kittens, I could not deal with them and no one wanted a kitten so I took them to the vet to have them humanely put down.  One of the last ones I caught was Bucky.  It was muddy and there I was in the back yard sliding around chasing her and when I finally caught her she bit me through my leather glove and pooped all down the front of me. I decided I needed to keep her and so I did.

She was the most onery cat I ever had and so I named after Get Fuzzy Bucky cat.  Her full name is Bucky Crookshanks cos my niece said that was Hermione's cat's name and I already had a Harry and Hermione, so keep it all in the family.  She leaves a huge hole in the house and it will be quiet because she won't be on the counters pushing things off.

She would eat anything she could get in her mouth. She loved to go out in the garage and forage for whatever she could find.  She ate plants and got sick so I got rid of all the ones she ate and that was not good for cats. She once tried to eat a worm in the garage.  She was my get on the counter and knock stuff off girl.  She would often get on top of the fridge and when I went to look for her that paw would come swinging down and smack me on the head and scare the crap out of me.  There was never a dull minute with the Buckster in the house.

She once broke a bone in her foot jumping off the kitchen island and had a cast for 6 weeks, did that stop her jumping on things, no. She would go running off clomping the let with the cast and swing it around and bonk people.  

Thank you Lord for giving me 16 wonderful years with her but now I give her back to you.  She can be with her buddy Harry again and I know my dad will watch over her along with all those who have gone before her.

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