Monday, July 06, 2020

Around the Yard

My tomatoes are coming along, lots of blooms and it is getting hot so I should be seeing some red coming on.

 My Zinnias are small.  I borrowed some seed from Powell Gardens and they are a happy mix of color.  Zinnias are one of my fav flowers, they just seem to make things happy.  I want a whole yard of them.

 This pot had my lavendar which you can see tucked inside.  I thought it had died so I planted these seeds in the pot, I don't know what they are but I see a yellow bloom coming on.  And the lavendar is growing so we shall see what it does.

I had a bunny in the yard this morning when I got up, there is a lot of clover so he should be happy.

 The 2 pictures above are what I call The Beast.  This flower bed got way out of hand and the grass was so bad in it I had to dig the shoots out, this took about 3 weeks to get here.  So now it can easily be maintained and on around the corner of the house I go.  I have the side of the house to take care of and the bed under the deck where I have planted 4 hostas that need to be taken care of as well.  Then I can continue to work around the yard and take care of things.  I have spent the past 4 years taking care of things for my parents and now I finally get to spend some time on my home and yard.  You can see my female feral Smudgey. The concrete blocks are from my dad's garden, so I have a touch of him in there to guard the flowers. 

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