Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Week 12 Patterns

* Is your life patterned with rhythms, routines, rituals? If so, what stands out as those which rarely change.

* If you have struggled with disorder or dare I say it, chaos, in your home, has anything shared today given you a light bulb moment? What was it?

* Perhaps you're someone who can wing-it in your domestic life. Are there still patterns within?

* When it comes to the art of making or learning something different are you a gestator or do you jump right in?

On Sunday night I write out my list of events to do for the week and what day. I write out the errands I need to run and the things I need to get done. My calendar is full of what needs to be done. But that is how I do things.

Sometimes I just jump into a pattern if I am on a deadline. At times I put everything together for a project and let it sit until I get the urge to make it. I have too many of those, but they keep making new patterns, new yarn, new fabric, new cookbooks, etc. If they would just stop making new things I could get some of my stuff done.

If I am teaching a class I will start right away preparing for it with a new notebook to put all my thoughts in. By the time the class is here I am more than ready. I find going to a class where the teacher is not ready just torques my jaw. How could they not be organized enough to be ready and prepared?

Some call me anal but I find if I have an orderly to do list then I have more free time to do what I want and enjoy.  I get up early just who I am and by noon I pretty have the rest of the day to do as I wish.  This allows me to enjoy most of the day instead of being drug down by chores, etc that never end.  I run a hundred miles a minute and the more I got going the happier I am and the better I function.  I don't do well with just sitting.  Never have and hopefully never will.