Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Week 10 Our Hands

Let’s let our imaginations come alive this week.

Choose one of the Stanley Spencer paintings and share your thoughts in the comments below or on your blog for this week's link up...

* What first caught your eye when you saw the painting?

* Did you imagine a story behind it? What was the story?
I found this to be a very bizarre picture.  It is as if there are separate pictures cut and pasted together.  The woman is knitting and appears to be in the forefront.  I have never seen anyone knit that way and it looks very uncomfortable.  The man appears to just be pasted next to her to fill space?  And they have a graveyard just outside their window?  I just don't get this picture at all.
The focus of this week is our hands.  I can't imagine anything I do that does not involve them.  They are put through a lot and yet do we really take care of them?