Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Slogans from AFA Website for Your TEA Poster

“Free thinkers for a free market”

“Spare us Your 'Change'”

“Bailouts, Stimulus, and Pork. Oh My!”

“Party Like it's 1773”

“The Answer to 2009 is 1776”

“Don't Stimulate: Liberate”

“Paying My Mortgage, and Yours Too”

“Don't Tread on Me”

“Keep Your Bailout; I’ll Keep My Freedom”

“Obamanomics: Chains You Can Believe In”

“Born Free, Taxed to Death”

“Give me Liberty, not Debt”

“Pillage and Plunder: At Least the Vikings did it Openly”

“Commander and Thief”

“If You Think Health Care is Expensive Now, Wait Until it's Free”

“It’s not a stimulus bill, it’s a strangulation bill.”

“Your Mortgage is Not My Problem”

“Pennies do not come from heaven. They have to be earned here on earth.”

“Repeal the Bailout”

“We the People…are now owned by the Chinese.”

“Obamanomics – Chains you can believe in”

“Obamanomics – Trickle up poverty”

“Stimulate business, not government”

“DOW 6000 – Thanks for the change”

“Honk if I’m paying your mortgage”

“You can’t borrow prosperity”

“I’ll keep my freedom, you keep the Change”

“Home ownership is not an entitlement”

“I’ll pay for my house, you pay for yours”

“Welcome back Carter”

“Party like it’s 1773”

“Proud American capitalist”

“Repeal the pork or your bacon is cooked”

“Your mortgage is not my problem”

“No taxation without deliberation”

“Give me liberty, don’t give me debt!”

“You can’t spend your way out of debt”

“$11 Trillion and climbing – Now that’s a lot of change!”

“Wake up America, stop the insanity!”

“R.I.P. Free market economy”

“Save trees, stop printing money”

“Marxism – Reagan defeated it, Obama embraces it”

“Don’t tread on me” (Gadsden flag or First Navy Jack)

“I want your money” (recruiting picture of Uncle Sam)

“See what happens when you give a junior senator a credit card?”

“Socialism is not an American value”

“Wall Street got a bailout and all I got was the bill”

“TARP = $750 Billion
Stimulus = $870 Billion
2009 Deficit = $1.75 Trillion
U.S. Dollar = WORTHLESS!!”

“Just Say No” (word “Socialism” with circle and slash)

“Liberty is all the stimulus we need”

“You keep your Change, and I’ll keep mine”

“No to American Socialism”

“Socialism kills”

“Freedom Works”

“You can’t spend your way out of debt”

“The government’s dumb, the market’s rational”

“Yes we can – stop the bailouts!”

“Bailouts + Debt = fiscal child abuse”

“Stop Spending, Start Cutting”

“Why don’t you cut my taxes instead?”

“Promote responsibility, no more bailouts!”

“Let the markets work”

“Stop rewarding failure”

“Save the children – stop spending their money”

“Who will bail out the government?”

“I will not pay for someone else’s house”

“I don’t want your debt”

“Stop punishing success”

“You can’t multiply wealth by dividing it”

“Redistribution just means less for everyone”


“Your pork broke my piggy bank”

“We the people want our money back”

“Socialism – not the change we need!”

“No bailouts.”

“Freedom Works – Bailouts Hurt”

“Freedom – A stimulus we can afford”

“Let the Failures Fail”

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