Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Robert Gibbs and Paula Deen

Everytime he opens his mouth I scream. He has to be the biggest oaf blowhard in a long time. I don't know where they found him but just how arrogant can he get? He acts like if he says something we should just say ok Gibbs said it it must be right. He just makes me want to punch his doughboy gut. He is an idiot; he uh's and um's more than the imposter. I think his initials are RAG, Robert Arrogant Gibbs. This morning Chris Stigall had a replay of Gibbs and an AP reporter. She was asking how the administration thinks cutting back $100million is a lot when they are wasting trillions of dollars. He makes some offhand remark that in DC that much money means different things than the rest of the country and then becomes offended when she keeps asking him questions. He is so stupid he can't answer any question, watch him on Hannity, he is the Liberal Translation a lot. Gibbs time for you to go, I think Gitmo has a free room with your name on it. And oh yea take the imposter with you when you go and don't let the door hit your asses on the way there.

So Paula Deen and Robert Gibbs have nothing to do with each other, I just tossed them there cos they both irritate me to no end. Mom and I went to see her at her new book tour last night. She was 20 minutes late, no apology, and then proceeded to turn her back on us while she drank her coffee. She was loud, obnoxious and very crude. I don't care about how many times she farts or how her and her hubby have kind of farting contests, or her piehole or whether she wee wees or poo poos. Her southern accent comes and goes. Needless to say she was disgusting and crude and if you paid me I would never go see her again. Perhaps the Paula needs to remember from whence she came when she did not have a pot to pee in.

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