Tuesday, June 05, 2007

This is my Idea of Summer

The past couple of weeks have been low 60's at night, high 70's in the day, window open, attic fan on weather. I love it, no a/c bills or wondering if it is too hot upstairs to sleep. Fresh air in the house, kitties heads hanging out the windows breathing in the fresh air. I know it is the midwest and it won't last long but rarely anymore do we have a chance to have the windows open for more than a couple hours before we switch from heat directly to a/c.
I have been corresponding with my ITE pal but have not heard from the one I am knitting for, must check into that.

I almost have my purse knitted for ITE, need to get it felted, lined, and finish it and figure out what else I am adding to it.

BTW the movie Mr Brooks is great, a little gory but then it is that kind of movie and who doesn't like Kevin Costner in a tux? Great movie, one I would watch again. Whoever wrote this movie has a twisted mind but very carefully thought out everything.

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