Monday, August 26, 2024

Licorice Is Home


 Last Thursday I came home and checked the deck just to see what was going on and there he was.  Licorice was sitting on the 2nd step down and he looked good. I immediately put out food for him, he ate and left.  He has been up every morning since then.  I think he forgives me for what I did but it is for his own good.  He remains about 5 feet from me, so the progress I made with him is still there.  I hope to be able to pet him one day but we all know cats live on their terms, not ours.

Meanwhile I am trying to get Lila but she is not cooperating, I need to get her in and get her fixed and then keep her in.  My tom keeps talking to her and the other day I opened the door to feed her and he comes running and nose bops her.  I told him to tell her to come in so we can get her fixed and she can become an inside cat. 

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