Saturday, December 02, 2023

Oh Dear

 Ok not the kind of deer you are thinking of, but the kind where you gasp and go holy crap.  I just joined a private group on FB that has to do with WIPS (Works in Progress).  I pulled them all out and went through them all.  I grabbed a notebook and wrote them down and made a note of what needs to be done to finish them.  I have 11 that just need things like ends woven in, buttons put on, etc and 16 that need to be finished knitting and then ends woven in.  I knew I had projects all over the house but until I gathered them all I had no idea.  I am sure as time goes along I will find more.  4 will be frogged that I did not put on the list.

 These are just the knitting/crochet projects. Never mind how many cross stitch patterns I have going and then the Doll House.  Guess it is going to be a very busy 2024.

So, how many unfinished projects do you have?

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