Thursday, August 22, 2019

Department of Energy

Stay out of my house.  First the government changes the light bulbs and that is crap cos I used to get 4 to a box for a little over a dollar and they lasted forever, now they are $8 each and don't last as long and oh I can't just throw them in the trash.  Not buying them now or ever.  Then you changed my toilet to low water, you do realize I have to flush more cos you can't put as much in the toilet as you used to.  Now they want us to melt.

I keep my temp at 73 24/7 365/366 days a year.  It is my right to do that, I pay my bill and yes they are high at various times of the year.  But I prefer to be comfortable.  I have to wonder how many of you at the DOE have a 2 story house, cos we all know the upstairs where the bedrooms are is a higher degree or cooler depending on what time of year it is.  Because the idiots who built my house did not do the vents right it can be as much as 10 degrees warmer in the summer. So if I am to keep my house at 85 during the day i may as well just open the windows and turn off the a/c cos that upstairs is gonna be an oven.  Since I am retired I stay home and expect that I can be comfortable. What about pets, do I let them sweat like a fat pig in the mid-day sun? 

Tell you what stay out of my life, let the market decide what light bulbs and toilets we use.  Let us decide if we want to pay high utility bills and you find a way to keep that electricity coming to my house.  And if you want to regulate utilities how about you look into what they pay for that we pay for that are not necessary such as paying for bigwigs to go golfing on my dime, now that is something you can mess in. 

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